
[Christmas] Say Hello to Christmas Decoration!

WOHOOOO! Christmas is coming, so does the Christmas decoration in town!  I am so happy that there are just more and more Christmas decorations from various malls during these the past week :)
I have been doing snapshots of them from where I saw it and I can't wait to share it with you guys :)

I will be posting more and more pictures of Christmas these days!  Be warned to be boomed with overwhelming festive mood!  If you like it, stay tuned!

ecid nac


[Daily Outfit] (56) The Burgundy Chiffon Shirt

It's finally December! My favourite month of the year, but at the same time, can't believe it is the end of year again!  Time flies (literally for me, time really flies...feel like it pass with just a blink of eye!)  Probably I should work better on my time management :P

Anyway the weather here in Hong Kong is still very autumn-like, it was 22 degrees yesterday so I was wearing this outfit without needing to put on a jacket.

This shirt is more than just a plain burgundy shirt, there are studs all over the sleeves, adding some fun to it, although at the same time, making it difficult to add a cardigan over.  And this Moroccan Skirt is from Zara in September where i was attracted by the colour and pattern when I was in the store.  I immediately decided to take it back home after I tried it on at the fitting room :)  It's lovely and goes along well with all my plain colour top too!

 { Burgundy Shirt : Gmarket // Pattern Skirt : Zara // Ankle Boots : ASOS }

It has been a while since I last put on outfit post :)  Hope you guys like it and have a lovely weekend :)

ecid nac


[Winter] Get your winter wardrobe stock up by GMARKET!

I was browsing through Gmarket the other day and found so many items that I wanna get so I would figure that why not sharing it with you guys as well!  In that way I could have some advise also to share my most-wanting items with you all :)

So this post is mostly about items that I am interested i buying and as kind of a wishlist or notebook for myself.

1. Sweater/ Jumper
As my last post, the season seems to be more than just plain sweater.  This sweater looks quite cute with a soldier pattern all over it :) And the cat sweater looks cute too!  Look as if there is a cat crawling on your shoulder!  The third chiffon sweater is more feminine and seems to look more sophisticated than an ordinary sweater.

2.  Cardigan
Planning to get a plain embroidery cardigan and these two colours look great!

3.  Coat
And to get ready for Winter, it's essential to get a coat, I have targeted this one for quite sometime.  I have been addicted to this type of "no-collar" coat since Autumn and tried hard to find this type of coat at Gmarket

4.  Flats/ Loafer
Slippers seems to be quite a hit this season...tempting me to get a pair for causal wear...This studded slipper look good to wear on weekend :)

Ruffle Top
This grey ruffle top look so cute :)  Thinking whether I should get this one too!

Random skirt for work

Hope you guys like my share and let's put finger cross on this wishlist...hope it would turn into all actual shopping  : P

ecid nac


[Shopping] Sogo Thankful Week 的放血日誌

久違半年, 終於又到大灑血的日子了 --- Sogo Thankful Week. 又是大買化妝/ 護膚品和絲襪的時候了.  今年一早已做定功課,早幾天去Sogo逛一團, 看看有什麼是想試和入手的東西

這篇原本是記下買了的東西, 然而現在變了放血日誌(原意不是這樣的!)

畢竟, 午飯時間用到盡都只有兩小時, 如何在最短的時間做到最多的東西就是要做到的課題

由於尖沙咀sogo的人流很多, 最後只入手了兩樣東西 - Longchamp的包包和Burberry的底妝套裝

 Burberry的底妝在美容板可是燒得很,簡直是令我追post到欲罷不能的狀態, 而剛好我想從BB cream轉回底妝foundation, 所以便去專櫃一試
我購入的是sheer foundation, 由於我長期處於冷氣地方, sheer會比velvet好推, 而我的two-way cake又差不多用完, 本來我是打算買690的粉底液+粉餅的.....不過經過櫃哥的一番游說後又好像覺得980的會更划算一點...所以....就敗了這套!
但不得不提是他們的服務真的不錯, 銅鑼灣和尖沙咀也是一樣的好!

 Longchamp的小號長帶...足足排了30分鐘, 浪費了我寶貴的午飯時間....我買了深綠色 (圖示為還捨不得打開膠袋的完好包裝)

Day 2
由於時間關係, 今天只有半小時去逛, 但當然要入手我最愛我絲襪了!  但SOGO二樓絲襪部都像個戰場般擠滿了戰鬥中的女士和呆等的男士, 我也費了一番力氣才擠得進圈子中去搶購, 而這幾雙就是我的戰利品了
說起這款絲襪就不得不讚揚日本人的設計, 不但有透氣散熱防臭的效果, 還要顯瘦修身....真是不能不敗....

Day 3
這天約了朋友一起逛, 果然收穫豐富(!!)但也是太擠湧了....這天的收穫是: 買了大家都耳熟能詳的Clinique Moisture Surge的套裝 - 這個套裝已是第三次購買了, 差不多每次thankful week都會買一套...
Jeanasis的小外套 - 上班一族的好伴侶!  深藍色和灰色毛毛款
再購入2pack 30針絲襪

以上就是這幾天的戰利品, 為了我的錢包著實, 衷心希望自己可以暫此鳴金收兵...但最近又看到很多品牌都推出聖誕套裝....真的很吸引厚!!!

ecid nac


[Trends] The Knit.

Time flies and I can't believe we are approaching the end of the year. again.  Although we don't get really cold here in Hong Kong yet, I start hunting for the winter clothes so I can be more prepared for the coming cold weather :)  (who knows when exactly will the weather get REAL cold?)

And in terms of winter clothes, there is one thing that I love the most - and can keep me warm  -the knit

I am crazily in love with knit items that I often get a few items per fall/ winter since that is almost everything I wear during Winter.

This season we can see a lot more variation in knitwear, apart from what people often perceive as good old dull sweaters, a lot of elements from last season were put into knitwear design this winter.  Patterns, sequins, animal prints, you can find all these essences in knitwear these season.

Throughout the past few weeks, I have been browsing online for winter outfit inspirations and I would like to share some items with you guys on some items that I like:

1.  Sweater

I love the design/ pattern of these Sweaters, and i particular like this sweater from Markus Lupfer where the sequin clutch is actually attached to the sweater, isn't it cute?  Also the Green kitten sweater by Sonie Rykiel is adorable too :)  The green sweater can furnish your look in the winter, without looking clumsy and dull with monotone.

2.  Cardigan
I love drape cardigan!  Although they are good for Autumn only, and not really suitable for really cold weather.  I really do love the loose and asymmetry design of them 

3.  Knit Skirt
Basing on last Winter, I am planing to get a knit skirt (or a knit shorts) since I am kind of a Skirt/ dress girl that I would totally prefer dress than pants, and a knit bottom may come in handy for me.  They look warm and very comfy as well as being stylish at the same time :)

Wow I am stunned by the different varieties of knitwear this season, doing this post has actually increase the number of items in my wishlist!  Speaking of which, I have been browsing Gmarket lately and there are just so many on-trend items that I wanna share with you guys!  Up next I will write a post on must-get items for Winter at Gmarket!
Stay tuned! : )

Source: Net-a-porter, J.Crew, Madewell, Massimo Dutti, Club Monaco, Forever 21, Stella McCartney, Markus Lupfer, Sonia Rykiel

ecid nac


[Daily Outfit] (55) The Military Shirt

As share before, the military trend is coming back this season and you can see them everywhere - from high fashion brands to fast fashion brand, with different types of appeals

I got this Military Shirt from Zara a month ago and found it quite easy to match with different types of outfit for different occasion, it can established a more stylish style as well as a cutie feminine style depending on what you match with the shirt.

就像前幾個post時分享過, 這個秋冬將會是軍裝/迷彩pattern的世界.  所以在不論是高級時品牌或是一般大眾喜愛的fash fashion的連鎖時裝店, 都不乏看到他們的縱影

而我也不甘後人去趕上這趟潮流熱,於上個月到Zara購了以下這件襯衣.  發現其實也蠻好配搭的, 就是不同類型的衣服也可配在一起也不覺突兀,就說是一件頗百搭的外套吧. 我試了較型格的配搭和比較girly的衣服也可以平均得到

Today I have brought my floral one piece together with this shirt and try to dress down the masculinity and to become more girly, more of my usual style.  I could see a lot of possibilities with this shirt : could do a bit of layering when the weather gets cooler or to match this with boots or flats; lace dress or chiffon too :)

這天我就嘗試了把這件陽剛味重的外套配上碎花裙子和手拿包, 看上去也不賴, 而且碎花裙子就看起來dress down了外套的型格感覺.
  { Military Shirt : Zara // Floral Dress : Cotton On // Satchel : Online shop // Ankle Boots : ASOS }

PS. Please forgive me for this poor messy background of my room as the light bulb of my doorway wasn't working so I have to move to my room to take the photos :P

ecid nac


[Feature] Halloween - - - Are you ready?

Halloween is just a few days away and are you guys planning on a trick or treat night  or dressing up to hang around with friends?  I don't know how many people still stick with the whole "trick or treat" thing but somehow dressing up for Halloween has become a ritual and I have seen many utterly unrecognizable monsters (and pretty sexy dress up demons-lookalike too)

I had a company event last Friday visiting the Haunted Halloween theme at Disneyland and I have been thinking of my outfit for a few weeks

And have some comments for you to plan your outfit so you could absolutely rock the party!

Tips 1: Plan your outfit and get your costume as early as possible so you could prevent last minute shopping (though I am giving this tip in a last minute way...)
Tips 2: Otherwise, try vampire style (like what I did, simple and easy), painting your face in white is already scary and unexpectedly.....stunning? :P
Tips 3: Get some cheap makeup so you won't have to worry about wrecking them
Tips 4: Do some research for inspirations - movies, online, anything that can help you with coming up a set of outfit for the night costume

Are you guys planning on doing anything special on the night?  Let me know!

Here are what I dressed on that night

Be warned! 

Horrible picture coming though!

! H A P P Y   H A L L O W E E N!

ecid nac


[Style] Going Leather!

Leather is perfect for Autumn/ Winter as it can keep you warm as well as establishing a chic and comfortable outlook which can keep you stylish and warm during cold weather.  Here below I have prepared two sets of outfit featuring a bit of leather and see which one do you guys like the best :)

And when I was doing some reading on the NYFW and LFW and suddenly found that leather pants could look quite cool too!  which has inspired my to come out with this set of outfit:

After doing this blogpost, I think I am definitely going to get some more leather item for the coming season!  There are just so much different combinations that we can do with Leather!

edic nac


[Camera] What to choose?

It has been a while I put on Outfit post...for one obvious reason...MY CAMERA IS DEAD!  I have accidentally spilled a cup of Chinese tea to it and it won't open anymore

I have been doing some research to see which camera would fit what I want.  Therefore I have targeted a few already, as I want to upgrade from Digital Camera (my previous model is Canon S90) to an EVIL camera <- those you can change lenses for different type of photos and not as professional as a DSLR

I am planning to get either Sony Nex-F3/ Olympus E-PL3/ Panasonic GF5

The performance of these three cameras are similar and the price is similar too but each of them having one particular point that I would like to have, and I just wish these three of them could combine together like a transformer so that I would not need to hesitate so much in picking one...and I have even drafted up a pros and cons analysis table in helping myself to choose my future camera...

Pros and Cons session

Sony Nex-F3
Pros: The monitor can be rotated 180 degrees so it's good when taking photos of yourself, bigger sensor than Olympus and Panasonic
Cons:There aren't much buttons on the camera, meaning you have to go through the rotary panel for each setting you want to make.

Olympus P-PL3
Pros: More Buttons so easier to control and with settings for different scene, monitor support rotation up to 90 degrees up or down for easier shooting at different angles
Cons: External flasher, may come in handy when trying to shoot and have to look for it

Panasonic GF5
Pros: Lighter, Colour more saturated and support touch-screen activities for focusing on objects
Cons: More expensive

I am more inclined to go for Sony Nex-F3 as I really like the monitor rotation feature but i hesitate as my friends said the general feedback of Sony cameras are not so positive....making me so confused and don't know which is the one to pick...

So what camera are you guys using?  And any recommendation you guys would give?

Photos: From Google

ecid nac


[Style] Hiding under Camouflage

Many of you may have noticed, lots of trend reports have already revealed the coming season will be filled with cami and camouflage.  This Camouflage Army Jacket may give an impression of being masculine but we could turn this outfit to a stylish and chic one by matching the jacket with these items:

- My previous post has mentioned that lace items are still going to rock this season, this madwell lace dress would kind of balance off the camouflage jacket.
- Chelsea boots: I am dying to get a pair for the winter and wait to shop around for a nice new pair or Chelsea boots
- The little details of proenza shouler satchel goes along with the military jacket and bringing a bit of rocker style to it
- The MBMJ bagle creates a final touch and to complete this set of chic outfit!

Hope you guys like this kind of style setting post as this is my first time in trying to illustrate an outfit rather than putting on one :)

ecid nac


[Trends] My pre-fall wishlist

I know it may seems a little early at a weather point of view to start drafting a pre-fall wishlist, but believe me, by the time the temperature goes down, you may find a lot of stuff you like would be out of stock.  And I reckon it is worth to know the trend before doing any actual shopping, so I would be better prepared when refreshing my closet :)

So these are some of my picks for the coming season:

There have been saying that purple has become the new black in this coming season.  I have not been a fan of purple, I am more of a navy-blue fan.  But I am certainly open up for more different variety of items to my closet :)  And these selections look pretty too!  I wanna get the purple peplum dress so much!

Speaking of prints, my closet is overloaded with floral-print items...and they are perfectly for winter as well, but this print-items fantasy for me has slowly changed to more different variety of prints including paisley and these items below are quite nice to have, especially the pants from club monaco, which looks perfectly with a navy blazer (tempting to copy that to my office outfit inspiration)

Lace items have continued to shine throughout the season, and with more different styles and items, these three below are my choices for autumn and is suitable for different occasions too :)

Leather items are always a hit in winter, I used to have a leather jacket only but this autumn/ winder I would love to try other kind of leather appeal as well!  I want to get a leather shorts or skirt, and just by thinking I have already come up with a few different combinations that can go with leather bottom!

 As sidetrack, I ran into this pair of wedges when I was browsing the club monaco fall list.  It was absolutely stunning!  So chic and so stylish :)  Too bad that I can't see it in store yet and it may not last very long as it's going to turn cold in a one or two months...

Hope you guys like my share above.  Also let me know if you have anything in mind that you are definitely gonna get this autumn!

Photo credits and inspiration by: Zara, Club Monaco, Massimo Dutti, ASOS, Topshop

ecid nac


[Shopping] More Gmarkets!

I was planning to do a pre-fall wishlist but felt that I have more than I wanna share so I figured I may just do a quick post on the Gmarket stuff that I bought recently and do the wishlist later : )

So here are the stuff that I bought last week : two pieces of chiffon shirt and a skirt

 1.  White embroidery Chiffon Shirt
This shirt is amazing!  Looks good with trousers, skirt, dress...almost everything!  Perfect for weekend outing and could rock a formal look too!
This pokka dot blue dress look cute with this chiffon shirt

Another outfit with chiffon shirt (the skirt is same as this post - also from Gmarket)

A detail look of the chiffon top:

2.  Black V-neck Chiffon Shirt
(Same Seller)
This shirt is definitely for work and i love it too!  This seller has pretty good stuff I can say, all two items that I pick from there are of high quality and easy to match with all kind of outfits!
Plus they are selling at a very reasonable price as well!

3.  Printed Sheath Skirt
Well...sorry for using the same photo for both outfit...since I don't have other photos of me wearing these two pieces of cloths separately so I have to put them all on the same one.
The skirt is a bit tight for me but come out quite well, maybe this is just a sign for me to start being on diet in order to look good on clothes :P

So these are my picks for the month, hope you guys like it :)  And I am planning to make another round of order in September again!  Stay tuned annd watch out for more blogs coming!!

ecid nac


[Daily Outfit] (54) Hello Sunshine!

The weather has been pretty steady lately with Sunshine everyday and finally it's weekend and I gotta go out and enjoy such beautiful weather!  And in order to match with the amazing weather, I am wearing this cutie sunflower top along with the Toms -  which are perfect to the weather!  Simple but comfy outfit for the weekend :)

How's you guys' weekend?  Great so far?


  { Top : Gmarket // Pants : Boutique store // Clutch : Bershka // Flats : Toms }
ecid nac


[Daily Outfit] (53) The Peplum Skirt

Peplum is such a hit in Summer 2012!  I found that stores in town are full of peplums, and I got myself two pieces of peplum too!  This is a skirt that I got from Zara a couple of weeks ago and I felt that could be a perfect office outfit the moment I saw the skirt.  As I am mostly focusing on working outfit nowadays where I gotta wear formally from Mon to Fri and only gotta do causal wear on weekends...So that pretty much limited the choice of my clothing style...

Matching it with a plain top from Forever 21 along with the clutch from Zara sale.  The creamy white top could balance the dullness of the black skirt and also, more heat resistant ;P which I would say, is very important under such weather!  The clutch can add a bit of colour to furnish the outfit otherwise it would look too boring with the monotone only :P
And these has sum up my working outfit for the day and be prepared for the utterly busy challenging day!

這個夏天花苞成了大熱, 各大名牌以至流行品牌都會看到她的影子
這件花苞裙是在前陣子的Zara大減價時買的, 那時大既是半價吧
一看到的時候就想到可以上班時穿 :)

而這次用上了奶白色的forever 21上衣搭配這條花苞裙
由於最近的天氣真的熱, 而這件上衣的透氣能力又蠻不錯
於是顏色上加了較為色彩繽紛的Clutch作final touch
便以足夠為我營造一個colourful day來去應付忙碌的一天

 { Top : Forever 21 // Peplum Skirt : Zara // Bangles : See by Chloe // Clutch : Zara // Flats : A small boutique store }

ecid nac


[Food] Happy birthday my beloved :)

It was my beloved birthday last Thursday, so I took a day off to celebrate this special day with him :)
We went to a cozy restaurant at the peak, which the name is literally - "Pearl on the Peak".  The food was amazing and the service was excellent too!  One drawback is that the weather was so misty on that day so we don't really get to enjoy the amazing stunning view.  At one point it was so misty out there it feels like we were eating up above sky where we saw absolutely nothing!

We ordered two lunch set with soup and bread as appetizers.  The mushroom soup taste so rich.

The spread for the bread is also very tasty too

Lobster Liguine

Sirloin with foie gras

Amazing view
Too bad it was so misty on that day, otherwise I am sure it would be such a stunning view!

ecid nac