
[Daily Outfit](32) Pokka Pokka Dots.

{Top: Cotton On // Red Belt : Online Shop Cottage // Skirt pant: Online Shop Cottage // Sneakers : Bought in Korea }

This may probably be my last Summer Snapshot post this year (hopefully)  It was taken a few days ago.  The weather has now turned to be more "autumny" and cooler (i mean relatively in comparison to a few days before) and it is time to turn around my closet!  Quite fun actually since I have started to stock up A/W clothes since the end of August when several stores started putting them up.
I really love this pokka dot pant, it is just so cute and amazing, and also the texture is like the most comfy skirt pant I have got this summer.  Frankly speaking, this is already my fourth skirt pants I got this year, and I know this is crazy but they are just perfectly for summer, and with a pair of tight, they are perfectly fine for winter as well! Back to my outfit, since I have already got something really strong at the bottom part, so I have toned down the outfit by wearing a plain grey tee.  And last but not least, the red belt is just to garnish the look and adding more colour to it. But I totally love this outfit :)

這幾天的天氣看起來沒有上星期般熱, 感覺到秋天已靜悄悄地來到了. 中秋過後, 氣溫比起盛夏時低了幾度. 跌到二十多度的邊緣了. 雖然午餐的時候仍會很熱, 真的不可小看秋老虎的威力.
我想這也是我這夏天最後的snapshot了, 之後應該會轉秋裝snapshots吧. 由於天氣也漸漸轉冷了, 背心短褲的日子也快將過去了
開心的是, 換季了~是時候為衣櫥來一個大變身!
這天穿上的是這個夏天買的第一千三百七十二條(說說笑而已!)裙褲 - 波點裙褲. 說起裙褲, 真是太喜歡了! 貪其涼爽而且不易走光的設計. 我不是Marilyn Moonroe, 我不需要走路時裙擺吹起, 我只會尷尬得很且看起來像個瘋婆子...
由於下身已穿得比較pattern-ish, 所以上身配上了一個素色的tee來中和一下, 然後襯上了Cottage的紅色皮繩belt, 便完整了我的outfit :)

ecid nac


[Daily Outfit] (31) Shocking Pink!

{Shirt: H&M // Skirt : Zara trf // Flats : Vivienne Westwood }

I am not exactly a pink style person, not to say fluroscent pink, but as a fashion blogger (at least I claimed myself as one), I think I should be stepping out of my "comfort zone" from time to time to try out new style and to inspire myself on further possibilities.
Trying to wear this to work, and as to dress down a bit and not wanting to make others to think I am on a stage performance or being a office lady gaga, I match the skirt with a white shirt and my VW flats as being as formal as possible
And I think this is quite a nice attempt after all :P

ecid nac


[Daily Outfit] (30) Yet another year has passed....

{Dress : H & M // Belt : Stradivarius // Oxford Shoes : Gmarket }

A month after my boy's birthday is my birthday!  But didn't do a lot special on this day, only watched a movie at night followed by a nice dinner.  Oh and also I did a bit (strictly speaking that was way beyond a bit but anyway let's not get too precise on numbers :P) of shopping in the afternoon.  simple but yet i am grateful.  I love my bff she is totally awesome on that day I am really grateful I have her in my life where I can share all my ups and downs with her.

Bought this new piece of clothes from H & M, I was so determined to get it on the moment I put this on :P  Mustard yellow is my new favourite colour and I am so going to get more items of this colour in this season!

Truly thankful for all the blessings I had and wishing every one of you a fantastic year ahead :)

ecid nac


[Daily Outfit] (29) Weekend Causal

{Cardigan : Boutique at Mong Kok // Tee : H & M // Skirt Pant : Boutique at Wan Chai // Sneakers : Keds }

I wore this outfit on Saturday, a day which I can totally relax and wear whatever I am not allowed to wear in the office: shorts, miniskirts or anything deemed to be not so appropriate for a normal office lady. On this day, in order to get away with getting sun burnt, I have picked a see-through blouse to go with my outfit.  Plus this is like a pre-fall outfit, which I am longing to wear.  Recently it has been boiling hot, where I hope the temperature could go down a bit and let me feel the scent of autumn breeze.

ecid nac