I had a company event last Friday visiting the Haunted Halloween theme at Disneyland and I have been thinking of my outfit for a few weeks
And have some comments for you to plan your outfit so you could absolutely rock the party!
Tips 1: Plan your outfit and get your costume as early as possible so you could prevent last minute shopping (though I am giving this tip in a last minute way...)
Tips 2: Otherwise, try vampire style (like what I did, simple and easy), painting your face in white is already scary and unexpectedly.....stunning? :P
Tips 3: Get some cheap makeup so you won't have to worry about wrecking them
Tips 4: Do some research for inspirations - movies, online, anything that can help you with coming up a set of outfit for the night costume
Are you guys planning on doing anything special on the night? Let me know!
Here are what I dressed on that night
Be warned!
Horrible picture coming though!
! H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N!
ecid nac